Vax Mach Air Corded Hoover Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner

13 491734
In Stock

Vax Mach Air Corded Hoover Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner

Condition: Manufacturer Refurbished

Shipping Cost
Shop Location United Kingdom
  • Trevor Ros
    I liked it. Very necessary household must have.
    6 months ago
  • Alpas Khan
    This is a good buy, I have been reviewing such products for years and would compare this to a top grade vacuum.
    6 months ago
  • Tonnie Hellaw
    Just on time arrived nicely
    6 months ago
  • Frederick Benz
    Arrived on time.
    6 months ago
  • Hector


    I would like to order this, do you ship to the USA?
    6 months ago Reply Report
  • Tarza


    Good morning, I would like to review this product. Do you have affiliate programs?
    6 months ago Reply Report
  • Hulfer


    Can I buy this in bulk?
    6 months ago Reply Report
  • Does this come with guarantee?
    6 months ago Reply Report

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